Recent blockbuster Pan india phenomenon Major, based on the life of martyr Major sandeep Unnikrishnan, left everyone in awe of director Adivi Sesh. As everyone is aware, he plays calm officer JD in the hit movie's sequel. With "HIT," starring Vishwak Sen, filmmaker Sailesh Kolanu is back with "HIT 2," marketed as a crime investigative thriller. Under the Wall poster cinema label, the film's producers are natural star nani and Prashanti Tipirneni.

Adivi Sesh has vowed to return with some thrilling news. Today, a captivating poster was released along with the much-anticipated HIT 2 release date. The second of december marks the global release of HIT 2. The crew is currently working on the last section of the filming. To present cool cop JD in an entertaining manner, post-production work is also still being done. The producers teased the exciting news on social media and promised back-to-back surprises.

Menakshii Chaudhary, Rao Ramesh, bhanu Chander, Posani krishna Murali, Tanikella Bharani, srikanth Maganti, and komali prasad are all featured in significant parts in the sequel, which has the tagline "The Second Case." It will also be directed by Sailesh Kolanu. The music was written by john Stewart Eduri.

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