The plot of Simbaa revolves around the character of Akhila, played by anasuya Bharadwaj, who works as a normal school teacher but gets involved in a murder case. The police investigating the serial murders come to confirm that Anumula is accompanied by Akshik along with investigative journalist Fazil (Srinath Maganti). They are arrested and sent to jail. Another person who plotted to kill both of them gets killed in front of the police. The story takes a twist when it is revealed that the victims were related to industrialist Partha played by Kabir Singh. During the investigation, anasuya bharadwaj was seen refusing the crimes. In the murders, Jagapathi Babu also seems connected somehow, which is revealed in the film as it progresses.
As per the viewers, murali Manohar started the movie with the introduction of anasuya Bharadwaj’s character and the scene where she murders a person that gradually engages the audience. The main strength of this film is the characters of anasuya and Jagapathi Babu. Srinath Maganti and anish kuruvilla were impressive in their respective roles. Vasishta N Simha’s role as an investigative officer was another sleepy hit role in the film. Although Simmba is the first film for murali as a director, he has handled the story like an experienced filmmaker. The viewers have called the story engaging. The cinematography was done by krishna Prasad, while the editing was done by Tammiraju. The music was composed by krishna Saurabh.
The viewers have called the story more engaging in the second half, compared with the first half. The film’s collection will further reflect the love of the audience for the story.