In mulugu, the incumbent mulugu ZP chairperson Bade Nagajyothi (29), who is also the contender for the mulugu Assembly constituency, will face off in an intriguing election. This indicates that incumbent congress MLA Danasari anasuya nicknamed Seethakka, a former Naxalite, will face opposition from Nagajyothi, the murdered Naxalite Bade Nageshwar Rao alias Prabhakar's daughter.

Nagajyothi received her M.Sc. (Botany) and B.Ed. degrees from Kakatiya university (KU), Warangal, and she is a native of the hamlet of Kalavapally in the SS Tadwai Mandal in the district. She ran for and won the Sarpanch position in her village in 2019. She later joined the BRS (becoming the TRS) and defeated Tadwai Mandal in the ZPTC election.

Her father, Nageshwar Rao, was a well-known Naxalite commander who had a lot of tribal support in the area. He allegedly ran into the police and was slain. Bade Chokka Rao, often known as Damodar, is Nagajyothi's uncle and the telangana action squad commander for the banned cpi Maoist party.

The current MLA, Seethakka, spent a number of years working for the Janashakti Naxal organisation. She turned herself in to the authorities in 1997 as part of the universal amnesty programme, then continued her education and graduated from law school. She earned a PhD in political science from osmania university in 2022. In a statement to the media, Nagajyothi asserted her confidence in her ability to win the seat and donate it to the chief minister, K Chandrashekhar Rao. She also pleaded with the populace to assist her in her efforts to help the mulugu people.

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