In an unexpected turn of events, kgf director prashanth neel was invited to Vijay Devarakonda's party last night as the main guest. And as a result, there are currently a lot of rumours. producer Charmme allegedly hosted a party to commemorate the premiere of "Liger" where guests included Vijay D, ananya Panday, director puri Jagan, Puri's son Akash, Kona Venkat, Meher Ramesh, and Prashanth Neel.
One may ask why prashanth neel joined them despite the fact that everyone on the party team is known to be good friends and that the Liger squad has been together for some time. prashanth neel has recently become a frequent sight in T-town parties, whether they are given by Jr. ntr or ram Charan. He has since joined Vijay D and puri Jagan, too, but it remains to be seen whether the director and the lead actor will work together anytime soon.
Liger, starring ananya Panday and Vijay Deverakonda, is now playing in theatres. The vijay deverakonda movie received negative reviews from reviewers and moviegoers. puri Jagannadh's all-Indian film tells the tale of a boxer who battles adversity in order to leave his imprint. In Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada, Liger is being released. The plot of Liger has not been revealed in the film's advertisements or songs. Due to the pandemic, the dharma Productions-Puri Connects movie has experienced numerous delays during its three-year production. Significant parts are also played by mike tyson and ramya Krishnan.
One may ask why prashanth neel joined them despite the fact that everyone on the party team is known to be good friends and that the Liger squad has been together for some time. prashanth neel has recently become a frequent sight in T-town parties, whether they are given by Jr. ntr or ram Charan. He has since joined Vijay D and puri Jagan, too, but it remains to be seen whether the director and the lead actor will work together anytime soon.
Liger, starring ananya Panday and Vijay Deverakonda, is now playing in theatres. The vijay deverakonda movie received negative reviews from reviewers and moviegoers. puri Jagannadh's all-Indian film tells the tale of a boxer who battles adversity in order to leave his imprint. In Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada, Liger is being released. The plot of Liger has not been revealed in the film's advertisements or songs. Due to the pandemic, the dharma Productions-Puri Connects movie has experienced numerous delays during its three-year production. Significant parts are also played by mike tyson and ramya Krishnan.