Allu Arjun's film was released on 5 December, one and a half months ago. Today, 45 days have passed since the release of the film and the film's earnings are still showing that this film is going to stay at the box office for some more days. Game changer is already present in the cinema halls. Apart from this, two new bollywood films Emergency and azad have been released on 17 January. In such a situation, how much Allu's film is able to earn in its 7th Saturday, we will know here.

box office collection of pushpa 2

pushpa 2 earned a whopping Rs 725.8 crore in the first week and Rs 264.8 crore in the second week. After this, the film's earnings decreased in the third week but still it remained at Rs 129.5 crore. In the fourth and fifth week, the film's collection was Rs 69.65 and Rs 25.25 crores.

By the last day of the sixth week, i.e., the 43rd day, the film had earned Rs 9.7 crores. On the other hand, the film earned Rs 95 lakhs on the 44th day. According to today's initial data available on SciFi, pushpa 2 has earned Rs 1.10 crore so far and the total collection of the film has reached Rs 1226.75 crores. However, this data is up to 10:40 am and is not final. It can be changed.

audience will meet the extended version of pushpa 2

About 20 minutes of scenes have been extended in pushpa 2. That means, if you have not seen the film yet, then you will get to see an extended version of 20 minutes in the film. And the makers have released it from january 17 itself. It is possible that the audience will feel attracted towards the film again due to this.

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