Bollywood's Singham ajay devgn is currently busy preparing for his upcoming films. He also has an important role in nephew Aman Devgan and Rasha Thadani's film Azad. Apart from this, he is also going to bring raid 2 and De De Pyar De. Meanwhile, a big update related to him has also come. ajay devgn has already been the father of Rohit Shetty's Cop Universe. With the first film of this universe, Singham, ajay devgn took Rohit Shetty's superhit Cop Universe forward. After this, ajay devgn appeared in a total of 5 films of this universe. Now ajay devgn is going to do something that ajay devgn is going to become a threat to both his own Cop Universe and Maddock's horror comedy universe.
How will ajay devgn become a threat?
In the year 2024, ajay Devgan's superhit film Shaitan was released. It got a great response and due to this, now there is a discussion about the sequel of the film. And it is also being heard that a new horror universe is about to start. His film Shaitan was a remake of a Gujarati film Vash. It has been made by Panorama Studios. Recently a tweet came out which revealed that now the makers are thinking of making this film a franchise.
What is in this tweet?
Film journalist rahul Raut has made a tweet. He has posted on his X handle and wrote, "Panorama Studios is going to create a horror cinematic universe." He further wrote that the first film of this universe will be a remake of the Turkish film 'Dabbe'. Apart from this, there is a plan to convert ajay Devgan's Shaitan into a franchise. Work is already underway on two sequels of this film.'' When Shaitan 2 will be made and the cast-story line are not known yet, but it is certain that the production house has bought the rights to make the hindi remake of the Turkish film.