Bollywood's Shahenshah amitabh bachchan sold his duplex apartment in Oshiwara, mumbai for Rs 83 crore. This was revealed in Square Yards' review of property registration documents on the Inspector General of Registration (IGR) website

This duplex also has a beautiful terrace

The Oshiwara area in western mumbai is connected to many major roads and metro lines. This apartment of amitabh bachchan is in The Atlantis, built by Crystal Group. Spread over 1.55 acres, this property has 4, 5 and 6 BHK apartments. According to the IGR registration documents reviewed by Square Yards, this premium duplex of 5,704 square feet has a carpet area of 5,185.62 square feet. Attached to this property is a 4,800 square feet terrace and 6 mechanized car parking. Its stamp duty is Rs 4.98 crore and registration charge is Rs 30,000.

kriti sanon has been Amitabh's tenant

When Square Yards reviewed the IGR registration documents, it was found that amitabh bachchan bought this duplex apartment in april 2021 for Rs 31 crore and has now sold it for Rs 83 crore, which shows an increase of 168 percent in its price. According to the review of Square Yards, kriti sanon has also lived in this apartment in november 2021. For this, she used to pay a monthly rent of Rs 10 lakh, while Rs 60 lakh was kept as a security deposit for it.

Big B also has many more properties in his name

According to, in june 2024, amitabh bachchan bought three more commercial properties spread over a carpet area of 8,429 square feet for around Rs 60 crore. Apart from this, in the year 2023, four more units spread over a carpet area of 8,396 square feet in The Atlantis are also in his name, which are worth around Rs 29 crore.

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