kajal aggarwal and her partner gautham Kitchlu took full advantage of her parental leave by going on a couple's holiday to UAE, where they shared some memorable photos. In terms of her forthcoming projects, kajal aggarwal will star in Siva Koratala's acharya as the lead. pooja hegde will make a cameo appearance in the film, which stars chiranjeevi in a tutoring character and ram charan in the leading role.

Brindha's love drama, Hey Sinamika, with Dulquer Salman, is her other film. The picture, which also features Aditi Rao Hydari, is set to hit cinemas on march 3rd. kajal aggarwal, a soon-to-be mother, looked stunning during her baby shower friday. The acharya actress shared photos from the party with her family members on social media. She recently uploaded another photo of herself with her spouse gautham Kitchlu and sibling nisha agarwal on Instagram.

Both gautam and Nishaa lavish love and attention on pregnant Kajal Aggarwal. kajal aggarwal had previously posted a selfie of herself cuddling beau Gauhtam Kitchlu with the phrase "Godbharai." Fans went crazy for the photo as soon as it was posted, flooding the comment section with heart emojis. Other images from the enthralling baby shower have also emerged on social networks, and we can't get enough of them.

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