trisha has faced new troubles for her upcoming movie 'Ponniyin Selvan' as it was said that she wore footwear inside a famous temple and already a case was filed. Now, it has been revealed that trisha has changed the clothes inside the temple as the caravan was placed few kilomters later and for the next shot she has changed the clothes inside the temple place and now that has been criticized as well.

Trisha has got furious and has vented her rage where can she change the clothes if not inside and the only other option is before the public at the shooting spot. priyanka Deshpande is a tamil actress and tv personality who works largely for Star Vijay. She is well-known for hosting series such as Super singer Junior and Jodi Number One on broadcast.

Priyanka was the first runner-up in bigg boss tamil Season 5, a popular television show. Now, she has apologised to well-known tamil diva trisha in a lighthearted manner on her social media page, and the image has gone viral. Priyanka, who is active on social media, shared a snapshot of herself dressed as Trisha's jaanu character in Vijay Sethupathi's "96" film on her Social networking page yesterday.

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