rakul preet singh is vacationing in the maldives with her special someone, boyfriend Jackky Bhagnani. The pair arrived in the island country after flying from India. The actress has given fans a sneak view at her vacation, which is full of happy laughs, beautiful beaches, and delectable food. However, the actress shocked everyone by giving ample cleavage show on one of her bikini photos.

Rakul Preet Singh used her instagram storey to showcase a series of photos from her maldives vacation. She may be seen taking in the view from the island, eating delicious food, and working out. Yes, the actress is working out even on vacation, proving that she is a fitness nut. rakul also shared a lovely photo with a bright smile, and we're not sure why. Isn't it certain that it's Jackky?

Rakul and Jackky were spotted by paparazzi at the mumbai airport this morning on their way to the maldives, and their fashion statement drew a lot of attention. rakul preet singh, on the other hand, has a busy year ahead of her at work. In the year and, she will participate in seven big-budget blockbusters. Attack, directed by Lakshya raj and starring John, is her first project. Thank god by Indhra Kumar and siddharth Malhotraa follows.

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