rakul Preet, one of Bollywood's hottest and sexiest star heroines, is taking a break. The actress is now vacationing in the Maldives, and the photos from her trip are absolutely lovely. rakul lit up her instagram page yet again with a fresh photo in which she enjoys the cool breeze in blue beachwear, after flashing her sunkissed body in the seaside resort and steamy smiles from the tropical island. 'Sometimes amid the waves of change, we find genuine direction,' she captioned the photo.

Not only that, but she walked into the ocean with a basic pink bikini and had the time of her life in the crystalline waters of the Maldives. 'Live in the sunlight, swim in the ocean, and inhale the untamed air #waterbaby,' she wrote on instagram. rakul preet singh recently disclosed that she is dating Jacky Bhagnani, and it is rumoured that they are on vacation together. rakul has a long number of movies finished and ready to be released on the big screen.

The celebrity is seen in the photos displaying her toned physique in a bikini while posing in the sea. Her unkempt bun completes her ensemble. Despite the fact that rakul and Jakky are on vacation together, there isn't a single photo of the two of them together. On their personal instagram accounts, both stars have started posting individual photos.

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