Gangster Bishnoi Lawrence, who is the prime suspect in the murder of singer-politician Sidhu Mossewala, issued death threats to salman Khan. According to the most recent information, bollywood actress swara bhaskar went to the Versova police station two days ago after receiving a letter threatening her life from unknown people.

A police investigation into the matter was started in Mumbai. The actor's Versova home was the recipient of the letter. A police official claimed that after receiving the actress Swara Bhaskar's complaint, they had filed a non-cognizable charge against unnamed individuals. The letter, which was purportedly written in Hindi, states that Veer Savarkar's insult will not be tolerated by the nation's youth. swara bhaskar wrote on her blog in 2017: "Savarkar apologised to the british government and begged to be released from prison! Certainly not "Veer"...a letter threatening death from unknown parties.

After abruptly announcing his resignation in the middle of a facebook Live speech on Wednesday, Maharashtra's departing chief minister uddhav thackeray received appreciation from bollywood actor Swara Bhaskar. Swara Bhasker praised uddhav thackeray for his work during the Covid-19 outbreak and claimed that under his leadership, opponents like her had become supporters. The bollywood actor wrote, "Go far and go strong."

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