sree Leela, a young kannada beauty, made her tollywood debut in the box office smash musical movie Pelli SandaD last year. She is currently seeking out lucrative telugu prospects. Dhamaka, starring ravi Teja, Panja Vaishnav Tej's untitled movie, and Vaaraahi Chalana Chitra's Telugu-Kannada multilingual are the three movies that sree Leela is currently filming.

General Maharaja Dhamaka, a big-budget action film starring ravi Teja and directed by Trinadha Rao Nakkine, is getting ready to hit theatres as production work is almost finished. The team just launched musical marketing with the release of its first single, which quickly became a chartbuster. The film's creators have now declared that a sneak peek will be released on august 31 in honour of Vinayaka Chavithi.

They made the announcement through the distribution of a cute poster. Sreeleela becomes tense as ravi Teja hugs her and looks into her eyes. The actress is wearing a half-saree in a yellow colour and is holding a book. Here, ravi Teja seems sophisticated. Large-scale production of the TG vishwa Prasad-produced movie is underway. In the film, Trinadha Rao will present ravi Teja in a compelling role. The movie's soundtrack was composed by Bheems Ceciroleo.

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