Kriti Sanon, the bollywood beauty who garnered fame with her debut telugu film "1: Nenokkadine," recently became emotional as the movie completed a decade since its release. Expressing her sentiments, Kriti shared a heartfelt post on instagram, reminiscing about her journey in the South indian film industry. The actress, who is gearing up for the release of "Guntur Karam" during the upcoming sankranti festival, took a nostalgic trip down memory lane.

Kriti fondly recalled the beginning of her career and expressed gratitude for the opportunity to work alongside telugu superstar mahesh babu in her debut film. She recently had the chance to meet mahesh babu and shared the delightful moment on social media, along with a photo featuring the actor and namrata Shirodkar.

In her instagram post, kriti sanon wrote, "It's been 10 years since my first film. My first telugu film with my very first co-star Mahesh sir!! So many memories in my heart.. so grateful! So lovely.. nostalgic.. meeting you again after ages! A lot has changed but still remains the same." She extended her appreciation to director Sukumar for providing her with the best debut opportunity.

Reflecting on her career, Kriti is set to appear in an untitled film opposite shahid Kapoor. Additionally, she is part of the cast in the movie "The Crew," featuring kareena kapoor and Tabu. Despite the initial setback of "1: Nenokkadine" at the box office, Kriti Sanon's acting prowess received commendation, paving the way for her successful journey in the film industry.

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