Actress ananya Pandey, the bollywood star kid, made her telugu debut with the film "Liger," starring alongside Vijay devarakonda and directed by puri Jagannath. Unfortunately, the movie turned out to be a disappointment at the box office. Despite the setback, reports suggest that ananya is receiving lucrative offers in Bollywood. In contrast to other leading actresses, she has garnered a substantial following on social media by sharing captivating pictures, showcasing her beauty and style.
Ananya recently shared an adorable picture on Valentine's Day, exuding simplicity and sweetness with love symbols on her white dress. Holding a bouquet of flowers, she expressed her fondness for the special day, stating that she loves the day of love. The photo, along with Ananya's charming comment, has gone viral across social media platforms.
Adding to the buzz, rumours have circulated about Ananya's romantic involvement with Aditya Roy Kapur. While her film "Liger" faced challenges, Ananya's popularity and social media presence continue to soar, and she remains a sought-after talent in the bollywood film industry. Despite the setback with "Liger," her promising future in the hindi film industry is evident through the multitude of offers coming her way. Her fans are also waiting for her entry.