Eye Twitching: Spiritual and Astrology!!!

According to Shastra, twitching of the right eye of men and the twitching of the left eye of women is considered auspicious. However, there are many other signs associated with eye twitching.

On the basis of the nature, qualities and actions of a person, he gets auspicious and inauspicious results. Sometimes the twitching of the eye also indicates the same thing. This sign tells in which direction the person's actions are taking him. So let's know about these signs of eye twitching.

Right eye twitching

The twitching of the right eye, eyelid or brow of a man is a sign that he is going to get the fruits of his good deeds. This is a sign of the fulfillment of the desires of the mind. Not only this, there is also an indication of promotion and profit in the workplace.

If the right eye of women twitches, then it is a sign of the opposite effect. This is considered inauspicious. This sign means discord. This is a sign of disturbance in the body and mind and deteriorating work being done.

Left eye twitching

If the woman's left eye, eyelid and brow start twitching, then understand that good days are coming. This is an auspicious sign and it means that happiness, progress and peace are coming in life. Along with the profit of money, there are chances of getting big work done.

If a man's left eye twitches, it is considered a very bad warning. According to Shastra, the twitching of the left eye of men means that there may be a fight with an enemy or the enmity may increase further.

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