As per report German luxury car maker Audi could bring its Mini-rivaling small car, the A1, to India. Meanwhile the head of Audi's India operations, Rahil Ansari, hinted at the possibility of introducing the A1 if the government relaxes import norms for luxury cars. Accordingly the government is mulling over allowing foreign car makers to import vehicles without having them undergo homologation if the vehicles have already been certified by international testing agencies.

Meanwhile the move, which will allow automakers to import 2,500 units per annum, is reportedly aimed at encouraging local manufacturing and will enable them to test waters for their models and gauge customer response before establishing local assembly operations. Recently Ansari told that he hopes the move is passed, as it will give the company a great opportunity to test the demand for its models, especially in new segments. He said "It is a favorable development and we hope it is passed soon because it will also allow us to give customers the choice of a wider variety of cars”.

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Moreover the recently revealed second generation A1 is expected to draw new and young customers to the brand in international markets with its low slung proportions and sporty styling further accentuated by elements such as twin tailpipes, larger air inlets, and a larger rear wing.

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