According to sources Mahindra has launched the Alturas G4 in India at Rs 26.95 lakh. Essentially a rebadged second gen Ssangyong Rexton, the Alturas is available with a 2WD variant and a top-spec 4WD trim that costs Rs 29.95 lakh introductory prices.
Meanwhile the Alturas uses a ladder frame chassis and is larger in every dimension than its predecessor, the Rexton. It measures 4,850mm in length, 1,960mm in width, 1,825mm in height and has a 2,865mm long wheelbase. The ground clearance too, at 244mm is higher than the old car.
The Alturas G4 will be sold from Mahindra’s new World of SUVs showrooms. Pricing for the old Rexton was Rs 24.25 lakh for the RX 6 and Rs 25.99 lakh for the RX7 variant, which makes the Alturas costlier than its predecessor. However the Alturas 4WD AT variant does undercut its rivals, the Ford Endeavour which costs Rs 32.81 lakh and the Toyota Fortuner which costs Rs 32.97 lakh for the 4WD automatic variants, significantly.