Accordingly Bajaj has launched the new Pulsar 150 Neon in India at Rs 64,998. The new Pulsar 150 Neon is basically the Pulsar 150 Classic with new color options. The motorcycle is available in three shades Neon Red, Neon Yellow and Neon Silver. All three versions feature neon highlights on the headlamp brows, badges, side-panel mesh, and the grab rail. Also, with the Neon Yellow edition, the Pulsar 150 gets a matte shade for the first time. Apart from the new colors, no cosmetic changes have been made to the 150cc motorcycle.

Powering the bike is a 149cc, air-cooled, single-cylinder engine producing 14hp at 8,000rpm and 13.4Nm of torque at 6,000rpm, paired to a five-speed gearbox. Cycle parts like the frame and suspension also remain identical.

Image result for Bajaj Pulsar 150 amongst the cheapest 150cc motorcycles on sale currently

Commenting on the launch, Eric Vas, President (Motorcycles), Bajaj Auto Ltd said, “The Pulsar 150 Neon, with its fresh new looks, outstanding road presence, and proven performance is set to be the first choice for any customer willing to move beyond a 100/110cc bike. At Rs 64,998 (ex-showroom Delhi), upgrading to the power of a 150cc bike has never been easier.”

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