Accordingly the all electric Maruti Suzuki Wagon R EV due to make its debut in India in 2020 will most likely be launched at under the Rs 7 lakh price point. This price would include the subsidies that have rolled-out to all electric and hybrid vehicles under the FAME or Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric vehicles scheme. According to our sources, the on-road price after all the subsidies should be around the Rs 7.5 lakh mark, based on the current subsidy structure.
According to the current structure, the Maruti Suzuki Wagon R EV could get a subsidy of about Rs 1.24–1.38 lakh, which of course, could also change if FAME 2 is implemented. While the Maruti Suzuki Wagon R EV was expected to come at a price point north of Rs 10 lakh initially, this 25% reduction in cost, combined with a higher overall range of over 200 kilometres on a single charge, could really jump start EVs in India and be the benchmark for new electric cars in the country.
It is unclear whether the car will have fast charge capabilities, which could charge the battery to 80% in about 40 minutes through the new DC fast chargers that are expected to be installed around the country, soon. The new all-electric Maruti Suzuki Wagon R would have ideally gone up against the likes of the Mahindra e2o thanks to the incoming safety/crash norms the Wagon R EV could be one of the only affordable electric vehicles in India at the time of launch.