According to report In the run-up to the official unveiling of the production-spec Tata 45X, the India car maker has revealed a teaser that provides a hint of what the model will be called. The name of the hatchback is a six letter word that will start with the letter ‘A’ and is inspired by a sea bird. This indicates that the official name of the Tata 45X is likely to be Aquila the Italian word for eagle.

The likelihood of the new premium hatchback being named the Tata Aquila is quite high, seeing as the company tends to name its cars after birds. The code name for the Tata Tigor compact sedan was Kite 5, while its upcoming micro SUV is currently code named Hornbill. Even production models, like Tata’s recently launch Harrier, takes its name from a bird. All of this lends credence to the new 45X premium hatchback being called the Tata Aquila.

Image result for Tata’s new premium hatchback scheduled to launch in India in August 2019

Tata 45X will arrive in Tata’s India showrooms in August this year. Tata has also already begun work on introducing an all-electric version of the 45X in its line-up in the next two years.

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