The Swedish car company said in a statement that its investigation so far has confirmed that a limited amount of the company's R&D assets have been stolen through cybercrime.

It stated that "the operation of the company may be affected", but did not specify what this might be.
Auto Desk, Volvo Cars begins data theft investigation:
Volvo Cars data has been hacked. The company's cars and its research data have been stolen. The company has said that hackers have been able to access only data from early-stage research.
The company has quickly caught data theft through its IT team. The company has also secured its data.
The Swedish car company said in a statement that its investigation so far has confirmed that a limited amount of the company's R&D assets have been stolen through cybercrime.
It said that "the operation of the company may be affected", but did not specify what it might be.
IT expert team engaged in tracking the thieves
The company has refused to give information regarding what kind of data has been stolen.
However, the company has said that the data related to its customer is absolutely safe. At the same time, the investigation of cybercrime has been started.
Breach of research and development data
Volvo company has confirmed the data theft. While the company has started an investigation into the cyber security breach, cyber thieves attempted to steal the company's research and development data.
While it is not yet clear whether this has had any impact on the auto company's operations, Volvo said it could. At the same time, Volvo has refused to give information about the extent to which it has been affected.
While customers' personal data is protected
Volvo said that it has completely protected the cars or personal data of its customers. "The investigation so far confirms that a limited amount of the Company's R&D assets have been stolen during the cyber breach," the company said in a statement.