IQ Connection with car Color: The color of your car tells how smart you are, read this report

Whenever someone thinks of buying a car for himself, the first thing that comes to his mind is the color of that car. Which color car should I buy? And this helps in finding out the intellectual capacity of that customer.

IQ Study on car Color 

UK's Scrap Comparison conducted a survey, according to which it was revealed that many things can be known about the customers from the color they choose while buying a car. Like what is the IQ level of the customer buying a car? That means how smart he is, what does the report say? Next, we are going to give detailed information about it.

The customer's IQ is known

According to this survey conducted in the UK, whenever a customer chooses a vehicle for himself, the color chosen for it indicates the intellectual ability (IQ) of that customer. This means that people who choose certain colors are ahead of those who choose other colors.

The first thing that comes to mind is choosing the color option.

Whenever someone thinks of buying a car for himself, the first thing that comes to his mind is the color of that car. Which color car should I buy? And this helps in finding out the intellectual capacity of that customer. Although this decision is often taken by family or friends, it is the customer's own choice that is important to be informed about it.

Rating is given according to color in the study

According to Scrap car Comparison, UK, the color of the car also helps in telling how smart the customer buying the car can be who has chosen that color. In the study, an IQ (intelligence quotient) test of owners of vehicles of different colors was done. According to this, the average IQ level of people choosing a white-colored car can be up to 95.71, which is the highest. Whereas the green color vehicle owner had the lowest average IQ score of 88.43. What is the average IQ of which color, we are going to give information about it-

The IQ score of the person who bought a white car was 95.71.

The IQ score of the person who bought a gray color car was 94.97.

The score of the person who bought a red color car is 94.88.

The score of the person who bought a blue color car was 93.60.

The score of the person who bought a black color car was 92.83.

The score of the person who bought a silver color car was 92.67.

The score of the person who bought a green car was 88.43.

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