We are providing updates on 'Hair Strengthening' and 'Hair Loss' issues. It is always distressing to see the hair falls our. But it is not a hard thing to take care of. Everyone of us loses hair. We earlier said that  Hair is made up of a type of protein called keratin that is produced in hair follicles.

As the follicles produce new cells, the old cells are pushed through surface of skin. Every strand which we see is composed of dead keratin cells. It is also said that an adult loses 100 hairs each day. Hair loss is a serious condition and it mainly occurs due to Vitamin deficiency.

Hereditary hair loss or androgenetic alopecia is the most common cause of hair loss. It can also be a gene thing. In case of Male, the testosterone hormone is converted to DHT and this makes the hair follicles shed prematurely and cause them to shrink. So this is the main reason behind baldness.

In case of women, 'Iron Deficiency' is the main reason. Blood doesn't possess enough Red Blood cells which transport Oxygen to the cells and provide the energy. Iron is definitely important in women as Iron deficiency on pregnant women can affect Kids too.

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