Rashes appear in the form of red blisters or bumps on the skin and cause irritations and itchiness. It is a common problem which may occur at some or other point of time. It is not serious however it may become serious sometimes. The rashes may be raised, smooth, scaly or bumpy.

Aloe Vera is the best natural remedy for rashes due to its anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties. It is best suited for treating all types of skin problems. Apply fresh Aloe Vera gel to get rid from the rashes quickly. This is also helpful in curing rashes on the face.

Apply Olive oil to get relief from the itching caused due to the rashes. Make Chamomile tea and apply it on the rashes to get relief from the itchiness and irritation. You can also use Chamomile essential oil over the rashes. Squeeze a Vitamin E capsule and apply its oil on the rashes affected skin.

Baking soda also helps a lot in treating rashes. Apply some baking soda on the affected skin and then press the skin gently. Apply a combination of cod liver oil and Vitamin E oil on the skin affected by rashes. Soak a cotton ball in lemon juice and dab it on the skin affected by rashes. Let it remain for 8-10 minutes and then wash with lukewarm water.

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