These super foods for your skin are packed with anti-ageing nutrients that protect skin from damage and keep skin young. First food is Bell pepper and Broccoli. Vitamin C increases the production of collagen, the skin’s building block. In other words, fewer fine lines around your eyes and mouth. One cup fresh or half cup cooked per day.

Omega 3 fatty acids help the skin retain moisture, making soft and supple. The nourishing ingredient also maintains the scalp’s natural oils. Have 4 to 6 ounces for three times a day to have glowing skin. In black berries and raspberries there is Ellagic acid protests against UV rays and can help preventing wrinkles.

Tomato has lycopene may help prevent sun damage. The potent antioxidant works best when cooked, so homemade marinara sauce and tomato soup ate both great options. Have four to five slices of tomato five times per week. Cocoa flavonols improve circulation and blood flow to the scalp, delivering nutrients that may help keep it and your hair healthy.

Beta Carotene destroys free radicals, preventing damage to skin cells. The body converts beta carotene to Vitamin A, which fights signs of aging. Have sweet potatoes with carrots or mangoes for a comparable effect. Have the foods in your regular diet to have healthy skin which improves skin tone and makes the skin soft and beautiful.

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