A soapy lathering, a scrub with a washcloth and towel dry are the cleansing steps that are more suitable for your utensils than for the delicate skin of your face. A proper face wash with good face cleanser will unclog your pores, dissolve dirt, make-up and remove excess oils. While washing your face do not lose the opportunity to get rid of dead skin cells by exfoliating.

If you are washing your face at the sink, pull back your hair with the help of a headband or a clip. If you are in a tub or shower, either rinse your hair back or put on a cap. During the day your hands come into contact with bacteria, dirt, oils, grime, etc. So you should wash your hands to avoid transferring them onto your face to prevent acne break-out and pimples.

Remove your make-up before you begin to cleanse. Splash lukewarm water over your face to wet it thoroughly. Avoid using hot water, as it can irritate your skin and even burst capillaries. Consider using a muslin cloth while rinsing your face. This is one of the best ways to remove dirt and make-up from your face.

Scrubbing with facial scrub that contains tiny beads or particles helps in removing dead skin cells. Lastly splash your face with cool water to close your pores and pat dry your face with a soft clean towel. Do not use very cold water, as it can irritate your skin.

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