Moisturizing is absolutely essential. Simply moisturize, there are no two ways
about it. You may think that winters are over, and skip that part of your
regimen, but no, not happening.
The problem with summers is the extreme heat that dehydrates your body and
makes your skin dry.
Drink up
To maintain moisture levels in your body and not feel weak or faint due to
dehydration, you need to keep a check on your drinking (water) game and get it
right and drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day and include lots of
fresh juices and fruits with high water content in your diet.
Use Sunscreen
Protect your skin with sunscreen before it gets damaged by the sun, because,
let me remind you, prevention is better than cure. Sun rays are a cause for
many skin issues, such as dry skin, brown spots, and fine lines. Choose a
sunscreen with SPF 30 (at least) and apply it generously on your skin. Reapply
it every few hours.