Utkatasana (Chair pose)
This asana stimulates the muscles in your legs, especially the hips and thighs.
Sitting on a chair is easy, but when you sit on an imaginary chair, your
muscles are exerted as they hold the fort for your body. Your body weight rests
upon your legs, especially on the muscles of the hips and thighs. This not only
tones your legs and builds muscle but strengthens the area too.
Virabhadrasana (Warrior pose)
This asana works on the legs for sure, but specifically on the inner thighs. At
the outset, this pose might look simple, but it works on the muscles that do
not get attention when we run our daily chores. The best part is that both the
legs get a different workout at the same time, so more muscle groups are
targeted with this asana.
Ustrasana (Camel pose)
This asana brilliantly opens your pectoral muscles and hip flexors. It also
tones all the limbs, especially the thighs. This asana works on the front part
of your body, so the muscles in the frontal thighs get thoroughly toned and