Include some curry leaves in your daily diet to get rid of your various hair related problems. You can consume finely shredded curry leaves with milk or buttermilk. You can also add curry leaf powder to your rice and dhal. You can use curry leaves by mixing it with some yoghurt. Make a fine paste and massage it on your hair. Leave this on your scalp for at least fifteen minutes, before you rinse it off.
You can also make an effective hair tonic by boiling some
curry leaves in your hair oil and applying it on your scalp. Massage it well
for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Follow this procedure twice a week to stimulate
your hair growth.
Curry leaves are also rich in antioxidants and amino acids.
Amino acids help in preventing hair loss and in strengthening hair
follicles, while antioxidants moisturize your scalp. These antioxidants also
help in removing dead scalp follicles, which are the primary cause of dandruff. Vitamin B in curry leaves helps to restore color in
your hair by nourishing and strengthening the roots. This also helps in the
growth of new hair roots with healthier and stronger pigments. As a result, you
get rich, healthy and radiant hair.