
Image result for kiwi fruit
Kiwi is packed with Vitamin C. These fruits even contain more Vitamin C than oranges! Every 100 gms of kiwi has about 98mg of Vitamin C, while the same weight of oranges contains about 54mg. Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, wards off colds and boosts the immune system. 


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Papaya extracts is widely used in the skin care industry in the form of facial peels, soaps, cleansers, and lotions. But why go after chemical treatments when you can enjoy the goodness of papaya, fresh and cheap! Eat papaya regularly. You can also mash it and apply to skin for a youthful bright glow.


Image result for strawberries
Apart from a high Vitamin C content, strawberries also contain an important alpha hydroxyl acid, known as salicylic acid. It is known to penetrate deep into the pores and clean them out. It can unclog oily pores and stop pimples from forming. This will help clear out milia, whiteheads, and blackheads before they become stubborn pimples.

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