At night, rub some deodorant on your soles. Just like your armpits, it can keep your feet from sweating. Even better, it can make your feet smell better, too. Actually, you can try this trick pretty much in any area under your boobs, behind your knees, and even your palms you want to want to keep extra dry.

Simply swipe the back and sides of your foot before throwing on your just purchased heels or flats. The deodorant acts as a barrier, protecting your skin from friction. Spray a little deodorant on a cotton ball or pad and just wipe it away. You can also spray it directly onto your nails. But you have to work fast because spray deodorants usually dry quickly.

For those of us who have suffered from annoying thigh burn, this trick is life changing. Just rub a bit of deodorant on the inside of your legs before you head out on a hot day. This especially works before a run.

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