There is no better exercise that you can think of to reduce belly fat than crunches. It will help you to easily burn stomach fat and if this exercise is coupled with a proper diet intake, then you can see effective results in quick time. lie flat on your back on a mat. Bend your knees with your feet touching the ground. Now place your hands just behind your head. Take a deep breath and lift your upper body off the floor. You need to exhale when you are lifting your body. When you bring your body back to its original position you need to inhale. Once you come up you need to exhale. Do this for 10 times and then repeat for two or three more sets.

Reverse crunches is another exercise that will help you to easily get rid of stomach fat. lie with your back on a mat. Raise your knees with the feet planted on the ground. Keep both the hands on either side of your body. Push your feet in such a way that your thighs are perpendicular to the ground and your feet are off the ground. Now lift your back such that your knees bend towards your chest. Inhale when you plant your feet on the ground and exhale when you lift your back and move your knees towards the chest. Repeat this for 10 times and for two more sets.

Bicycle exercise is yet another exercise that will help you to shed excess fat round your belly area easily. lie flat on the floor or the mat and keep both the hands on either side of your head. Now lift both your legs from the ground and bend them at your knees. Now pull your right knee close to your chest with your left leg out. When you are bringing the right knee up you can try to meet your left elbow with your right knee to have a perfect stomach crunch. Now take your right leg out and bring your left knee close to your chest. Now, lift your upper body and make sure that your right elbow touches your left knee for a perfect crunch. Repeat this for 10 to 12 times for both the sides and for two consecutive sets.

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