Baby carrots to gain gorgeous, radiant skin!!!

Carrots are a great food for vision, everyone agrees. However, a recent study found that tiny carrots are capable of far more. A study by Samford University's Mary Harper Simmons suggests that little carrots can hold the secret to radiant, gorgeous skin.

increased amounts of skin carotenoids

A study that was presented at the NUTRITION 2024 conference suggests that eating baby carrots as a snack at least three times a week can increase the amount of carotenoids in young people's skin. Higher concentrations of skin carotenoid pigments may be linked to improved antioxidant defense and a lower risk of developing chronic illnesses. The body's immune system can be boosted overall when skin carotenoid levels are raised.

The study's primary author, Mary Harper Simmons, a Samford university Master of Science in Nutrition student, said in a press release that earlier research has connected having healthy skin to consuming the required amount of fruits and vegetables each day. However, a recent study found that including baby carrots in your diet can significantly improve the appearance of your skin.

Why are carotenoids so crucial?

Carotenoids are pigments that give fruits and vegetables their vibrant red, orange, and yellow colors. To assess daily fruit and vegetable intake, one can measure the amount of carotenoids in the skin. The study found that there was a 10% increase in skin carotenoid levels in those who regularly ate small carrots. people who took a multivitamin together with baby carrots on a daily basis showed a noteworthy increase in skin carotenoid levels of 21%. The results of the study show that other plant components contained in baby carrots can greatly improve skin health, even though taking a multivitamin containing beta-carotene may not be the best strategy to elevate skin carotenoid levels.

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