Should you wash your face with lukewarm or cold water? 

Many of us follow many tips and tricks to take care of our skin. Many people have skin problems, the most common of which is pimples. Such problems can be cured by changing many small things. You can also get rid of this problem by changing the temperature of water. The most common question is whether cold water is best for washing your face or lukewarm water, let's know here…

According to a Healthline report, if your skin is oily, then washing your face with cold water is right. Cold water works well to regulate oil. It reduces skin pores. It also reduces facial swelling. If you have blemishes on your skin, then this will also be right. Apart from this, you should also know the disadvantages of cold water. Cold water tightens the pores of your skin, which also locks the dirt accumulated in it and it can cause dark spots on your skin.

Which is better for the skin, cold water or lukewarm water?

According to research published in Healthline, washing the skin with cold water keeps your blood circulation good and the problem caused by pollution does not spoil your skin. It makes your skin glowing. At the same time, doctors consider lukewarm water to be the best for the skin. The American Academy of Dermatology also recommends lukewarm water for the face. If you want good absorption of any skin product, then lukewarm water is the right choice.

How many times should the face be washed?

Skin experts believe that the face should be washed twice a day. The face should be cleaned with lukewarm water in the morning and before going to bed at night. Washing the face repeatedly can cause skin allergies and can take away the moisture of the skin.

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