Usually looking glamorous with makeup is still easy but getting your systems function properly is a tough task considering how much junk we eat these days. Yoga, swimming, exercise and morning walks are simple activities that most of our bollywood stars incorporate in their daily lives to beat the stress and also to stay healthy and look young.

We all require around 2 liters of water every day to stay healthy. But for the beauty queens, water is not a mere necessity but a step towards beauty. Drinking ample amounts of water, but not overdoing it, ensures that the skin remains supple.

A healthy stomach can result in a healthy body. Taking a lot of greens ensures proper roughage intake. This means that your body will be cleared of all the toxins with the help of the greens. So, have a green diet to stay fit and beautiful like the stars.

Drinking ample quantities of water may not be enough to ensure supple skin. You need to keep your face and body moisturized at all times. Actresses, like nargis Fakhri, know the benefits of using a moisturizer. Use moisturizers that suit your skin. Use day creams during day and night creams during night. Know your skin type. This is essential if you want to have a smooth and supple skin.

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