We have often heard people say that if you shave the hair on your hands or feet, it becomes thicker and harder. Especially women are told this repeatedly. But is there any truth in this? Let us tell you in this news today what science and experts say on this.
First understand the structure of hair
Actually, hair is made of keratin found on the outer part of the body. Whereas, if we talk about hair growth, it grows from the follicle, which is present under the skin. When we shave hair from the skin, we only cut their outer surface, while the root i.e. the follicle remains inside. This is the reason why this process does not affect the thickness or density of the hair. To explain in simple language, when you shave hair, there is actually no change in their basic structure or their growth rate.
What does science say about this?
In many researches done on hair, it has been found that shaving has no effect on hair growth. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, when hair is shaved, it grows at the same rate as it grows without shaving. That is, shaving does not affect the thickness and density of hair as well as their growth rate.
Why do people feel this way?
Actually, after shaving, when the skin becomes clean and after a few days small hairs start growing on it, then people start seeing them as thicker. Experts believe that there is a psychological reason behind this. That is, people only feel this, whereas in reality nothing like this happens. Hair remains as thick or thin as it was before. Apart from this, neither do they become denser nor do they grow faster than before. Therefore, from today onwards, if someone tells you that shaving will make the hair thicker and denser, then you can tell them that scientifically there is nothing like this.