On sunday night, aishwarya Rai celebrated her mother Vrinda Rai's birthday with cakes, flowers, and relatives. The actress uploaded photos from the celebrations, which she attended with her husband abhishek bachchan and daughter Aaradhya.Vrinda was seen at a dining table, surrounded by three cakes and lily and rose bouquets. Aaradhya is seen hugging her grandmother as aishwarya embraces them both tightly. abhishek wears a red sweater and smiles for the photograph with his family. On birthdays and festivals, aishwarya shares images of Aaradhya, Abhishek, and her parents on Instagram. She had posted an unseen photo of herself and Aaradhya when she was a newborn on Mother's Day.
Abhishek and aishwarya married in 2007, and their daughter Aaradhya was born in 2011. abhishek talked about the first time he met aishwarya in switzerland in a recent interview. On YouTuber Ranveer Allahbadia's show, he claimed, "When I was a production boy, I met her for the first time. My father (Amitabh Bachchan) was working on a film called Mrityudata, and I had gone to switzerland for a location recce because the company believed that because I had attended boarding school in switzerland, I would be able to show them nice locations."

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