It should be noted that in 2004 when the mandate was received in favour of congress under the leadership of Mrs sonia gandhi, the voice of making Mrs sonia gandhi the prime minister was echoed from all four directions.
320 MPs from congress and allies called for making her the Prime Minister. But at that time she said that it is not my goal to become the Prime Minister. My aim is to strengthen the secular foundation of the nation… (Sonia gandhi Simplicity Sacrifice)
In indian politics, Mrs sonia gandhi is such an example of sacrifice, service, simplicity and struggle, whose resonance will be heard for a long time.
By creating in India, Indianness and indian culture, she has made such an indelible impression on the mind of the countrymen, which has put four moons in his multidimensional personality.
Taking a bird's eye view of the sacrificial past from Pandit jawaharlal nehru to Smt. indira gandhi and Rajiv gandhi, it is clear that the Nehru-Gandhi family is an unmatched example of sacrifice.
This family sacrificed their lives fighting against opportunistic and destructive forces. Smt. sonia gandhi is also continuously awakening the spirit of national unity and harmony, playing the same heritage and tradition of the family.
There is a general perception that politicians go to any extent regardless of policy or ethic to ascend the top throne of power, but Mrs sonia gandhi has set an example of sacrifice which is unprecedented.