For the past few days, tamil Nadu is facing the heat of being divided into two separate states. As bjp won the coimbatore belt area, the dominance of bjp and ADMK is higher and they have started to address them as Kongu State. tamil Nadu cm MK stalin began addressing central government as Union government and this really hurt the sentiments of bjp and now to pay back, they are now calling coimbatore belt as Kongu belt and now they are also demanding a separate state for the people of coimbatore and surrounding districts. 

Regarding this, mp Kanimozhi promised that no power can divide tamil Nadu and we are not even sure if the Union government has such ideas to divide the state into two regions. DMK party which is currently ruling in the state also never responded or reacted to any of those social media trends and they kept a mum response. 

However, mp Kanimozhi who reacted to this during her press meet said everyone not to worry or show concerns regarding that as no one can separate or divide the state of tamil Nadu and she finally stressed that tamil Nadu is currently in the safe hands of the DMK party and people of tamil Nadu doesn't have to worry about it.

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