Within the last 24 hours, kerala has recorded 20,242 new Covid-19 cases, 29,721 cures, and 68 fatalities. Currently, there are 2,23,155 active cases in the state. The test positive percentage is 17.48%. However, according to statistics given by the municipal health department, no deaths due to Covid-19 were recorded in delhi on Sunday, although 23 new cases were detected with a positive rate of 0.05 percent. 

Only one Covid-related death was recorded this month, on september 8th. The coronavirus outbreak has claimed the lives of 26,123 people in Delhi. Also after recuperating from Covid-19, a patient must have 2 doses of the Covid-19 vaccination – Covaxin to be deemed properly immunized, according to a Union government health source on Saturday. 

The administration is expected to unveil plans for Covid vaccines for 12- to 15-year-olds throughout the UK this week. Within 2 weeks, a mass vaccination project will start in schools, according to reports. On tuesday in Britain, new suggestions for a Covid enhancer scheme are scheduled to be unveiled. 

Meanwhile, according to a recent study published by the indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), a single dose of Covaxin may be sufficient to keep persons who have recovered from Covid-19 infections from developing it again, whereas non-infected people require two doses to be properly covered. However, the official added that there has been no modification in the vaccination dosage as of yet, and no message has been sent out about it.

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