Janhvi Kapoor, a mumbai actress, keeps her admirers up to date by posting images on social media. The paparazzi frequently photograph her while she is out and about in Bombay. Janhvi recently discovered herself in an uncomfortable scenario, a Marilyn Monroe oops incident, when the high breeze blew up her small dress when she was out for a casual stroll.

Janhvi's 'oops moment' was captured on camera as she tried to recover the moment by instantly turning around, nodding at the paps, and attempting to smile for them. Janhvi appears in the video wearing a short white and blue patterned dress. Janhvi was recently seen instructing the paparazzi when they asked her father, boney kapoor, to lower his mask for a shot. Janhvi's most recent film appearance was in the film 'Roohi.' 'Good Luck Jerry' and 'Dostana 2' are among the films in the works for the starlet. 

Janhvi Kapoor has been spotted wearing manish Malhotra pieces on various occasions. The 24-year-old wore a beautiful sari by the artist this time, channelling classic glamour. In a basic pink chiffon sari with an embroidered strappy blouse, the heroine looked stunning and the photos was officially posted on her handle.

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