New whatsapp talks have emerged revealing Shah Rukh Khan's son aryan Khan discussing a heroin scheme with two others only minutes before his bail hearing in the bombay narcotics case. aryan was also seen discussing about weed with actress ananya Panday in some other discussion. A renowned news outlet has obtained access to the embarrassing whatsapp discussions between aryan Khan and ananya Panday, in which the two discussed drug acquisition.

Aryan Khan sarcastically blackmailed his buddies with forcing the NCB to act against them in another online chat. The NCB is currently questioning the two through these communications. While aryan Khan is being held in the Arthur Road prison, ananya Panday has been subjected to two sessions of questioning by the NCB. aryan Khan talks of dealing drugs in bulk from Achit Kumar in whatsapp discussions. Achit Kumar had delivered narcotics (weed) valued Rs.85,000 to aryan Khan.

The whatsapp data seized from aryan Khan's smartphone also showed two other people talking about narcotics in a group discussion. Apart from ananya Panday, NCB has knowledge to aryan Khan's discussions with three other celebrity youngsters. The National Crime Bureau has learned that some drug dealers and suppliers are expanding their activities and attempting to break into bollywood and the glamorous industry.

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