Actor Puneeth Rajkumar was previously hospitalised to a Bengaluru hospital following a heart collapse. On friday around 11.30 a.m., the kannada film actor was transported to vikram hospital. A team of doctors treated him in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), where he was regularly observed and treated. Despite the medics' best efforts, he breathed his final breath. Basavaraj S Bommai, the chief minister of karnataka, was also in the hospital, verifying his health status.
Section 144 has already been implemented, and karnataka is on high alert. He had a cardiac attack after working out in the gym, according to insiders, and he felt a sudden ache in his chest. He was going to begin filming with trisha for the film 'Dvitva' on Monday, and he was preparing himself, but now he is no longer with us. He was most recently seen in Santhosh Ananddram's Yuvarathnaa.
He and priya anand recently concluded filming for Chethan Kumar's James. Mr. Satish, his personal manager, and other intimate people connected to the actor verified his death. Yash, Puneeth's elder brother and kgf star, was also in the hospital, along with a slew of other notable figures and personalities.