On sunday early morning, karnataka actor Puneeth Rajkumar, affectionately known as Appu by his admirers, was laid to rest at Bengaluru's Kanteerava Stadium. Rajkumar's dead remnants arrived at the studio about 5:52 a.m. from the Kanteerava Arena. Basavaraj Bommai, the Head Of government of karnataka, as well as other notable politicians and celebrities, were seen paying homage to the Power Star.

Dhruti arrived in india from the united states at 1.10 p.m. on Saturday. She then boarded a different flight and landed at the Bengaluru Terminal around 5.15 p.m. On social news lately, tragic images of the actor's child from the Kanteerava Studio emerged. Rajkumar had previously stated that he will be cremated with full state ceremonies and that his physical remnants would be interred next to his dad, the famed kannada actor Dr. Rajkumar.

While the karnataka actor's death rituals were being done, a large crowd amassed outside the Kanteerava Complex. MK Stalin, the chief minister of tamil Nadu, and Bommai, the chief minister of karnataka, both described his death as a personal tragedy for them and conveyed their regrets. After viewing his body, tamil actor Sarath Kumar, who went to pay his respects, fell into tears and was consoled by others there.

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