The film red NOTICE tells the narrative of an officer attempting to apprehend an art thief. The FBI's Special Agent john Heartley (Dwayne Johnson) and his Interpol colleague Inspector urvashi Das arrive in Rome (Ritu Arya). They rush to a prominent museum in the Italian city and notify the managers that Cleopatra's egg, a rare artefact, is about to be stolen. The claims are dismissed by the manager. This is when john Heartley finds he's running late and that the item has already been stolen by Nolan Booth, a world-famous art thief (Ryan Reynolds). In Bali, john is able to locate him. He apprehends him and takes the egg from Nolan.

The Bishop (Gal Gadot), unbeknownst to john, infiltrates the Interpol commando team sent to arrest Nolan. She cleverly substitutes Cleopatra's egg with a replica before fleeing with the genuine relic. She also wires millions of dollars into John's bank account. As a result, Inspector Das is certain that john is the perpetrator of the robbery. She has him caught and incarcerated in a Russian prison, where he shares a cell with none other than Nolan. Both are desperate to get out of prison. While john seeks to establish his innocence, Nolan seeks to take the second Cleopatra's egg, which is housed in the Valencia home of armaments dealer Sotto Voce (Chris Diamantopoulos).

Sotto has implemented a number of security systems, making it nearly hard to steal the egg from there. john and Nolan break out of jail, form a team, and infiltrate the room where the egg is kept. But, as luck would have it, Bishop shows up, intent to take the egg as well as the duo's thunder once more. The rest of the movie is built around what happens next.

Marshall, Rawson Thurber's screenplay is lively and enjoyable, with no dull moments. In most scenes, there is either laughing or action. Even though a few situations are emotionally charged, they are handled in a lighthearted manner. However, because this is a senseless escapade, reasoning is thrown out the window. Furthermore, each act follows a blueprint, so by the time the film reaches the pre-climax, it has become rather predictable. The lines of Rawson Marshall Thurber are amusing and one of the film's strongest points. The ones uttered by Ryan Reynolds, in particular, knock down the house.

Rawsom Marshall doesn't waste any time, cramming a lot into just 115 minutes. It must be seen to be believed as the storey jumps from Rome to Bali to russia to Valencia, and so on. The unique connection shared by the three performers, though, is what makes the film work the best. The trio is at odds, but they still have chemistry, which is a really unusual part of the film. The intro scene and opening titles for red NOTICE are well-done and create the tone. The craziness in Rome scene is both hilarious and thrilling.

Dwayne Johnson is an excellent choice for the role. He adds to the enjoyment with his comic timing and action, and he doesn't try to outshine the other two actors. Ryan Reynolds is fantastic and has some of the best lines in the movie. His persona is a little childlike, and he tries to make his performance stand out, as he did in the newly released picture FREE GUY. Gal Gadot is magnificent in this film, and she delivers yet another outstanding performance. She has less screen time than the two male performers, but she makes up for it with her acting ability, action, and oomph factor.

Definitely, this should have been on the big screen. Neverthless, do watch it on Netflix and don't miss it..!


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