Nandamuri balakrishna and shruti haasan have partnered with filmmaker gopichand malineni for an action thriller simply titled NBK107. The film was officially premiered today with a formal puja ceremony in the presence of the actors and several prominent tollywood filmmakers. The images were shared by the creators and are presently trending across several social media platforms.

The film's creators took to social media to post photos from the premiere. balakrishna, shruti haasan, Buchi Babu, Boayapti Srinu, gopichand malineni, koratala siva, Bobby, and a slew of other actors may be seen. The Vakeel Saab actress looks stunning in a crimson ethnic Anarkali gown during the launch ceremony in Hyderabad. It was good to see shruti haasan coming out of black and wearing red after a long time.

While this is Shruti's first collaboration with balakrishna, it is her third collaboration with gopichand malineni, following balupu and Krack. Because of the star-studded ensemble, NBK107 has great standards. mythri movie makers is financing the movie, which is described as a popular and mainstream picture. S Thaman composes the film's soundtrack, and more information on the writers and actors of NBK107 will be released soon. The film is set to be released in 2022.

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