The Vanniyar Sangam has filed a complaint against actors surya and Jyotika for the film 'JaiBhim' at the Gudiyatham city police station. "The newly released film 'Jaibhim' is based on a genuine occurrence that occurred in Villupuram district in 1995," Bamakavinar stated in a complaint filed at the Gudiyatham city police station under the supervision of Vanniyar Sangam state vice-president suresh Kumar.

The picture is both entertaining and educational. The majority of the scenes portray the Vanniyar caste as terrible, and they are even shown in a negative way. surya, Jyotika, and director Gnanavell, who produced the picture, should all be punished and incarcerated for creating a caste-divisive film. They've also demanded that the characters' names be changed and that they be compensated for generating caste-based clashes.

The video was meant to offend the Vanniyar people, according to Anbumani Ramadoss, the PMK party's youth head. Surya's detractors took to social media to express their displeasure with him. Following this reaction, Surya's supporters included filmmaker Bharathiraja, STR's father TR and mother usha Rajender, actor Sathyaraj, and others. director Rajeev menon has recently stated his support for surya in this caste based issue.

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