Rajasekar of Nagercoil filed a petition in the high court Branch, claiming that 5g spectrum testing has been ongoing in various countries since last year. Corona exposure is less common in countries that do not undertake this test. In this regard, a number of study papers have been published. Due to environmental heterogeneity, there were various adjustments when the 2G, 3G, and 4G spectrums were introduced. 

As a result, the rise in corona spread caused by 5g bandwidth should be researched and reported. The plea was heard by Justices Pushpa Satyanarayana and Velmurugan at a sitting. As a result, the petitioner's examination is extensive. Is this study approved by the ICMR and IIT? Judges aren't experts in these kind of studies. As a result, the court is unable to give the petitioner with the guidelines he or she has requested. The justices decided to dismiss the petition.

However, the petitioner said he is not going to spare this and will proceed this further in supreme court and he wanted a clarity regarding the same as whether 5g waves are spreading the COVID virus or not as lots of websites and studies say the virus is spreading rapidly due to the 5g waves.

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