The state police Crime Branch submitted a First Information Report against actor Dileep, who is suspected in the actor sexual assault case in kerala, just days after incriminating audiotapes about him surfaced. The case revolves around an audiotape in which a voice claiming to be Dileep's brother-in-law Suraj can be heard discussing a plot to kill the interrogating official and Deputy Superintendent Baiju Paulose. 

The purported chat between Suraj and dileep occurred in november 2017 at the latter's Aluva home. Filmmaker Balachandrakumar, who claimed to be Dileep's buddy, published a series of audio snippets from that time period relating to the sexual assault case. The audio clips that led to the filing of the FIR were made public by Reporter TV.

In view of the fresh findings, the kerala government created a new investigating team for the case. Sreejith, the Additional director General of police (ADGP), will lead the team. Inspector General (IG) KP Philp of the Crime Branch will also be involved in the probe. The investigative team would also include a Nedumbassery Station house Officer. Baiju Paulose, the person in charge of the investigation after the alleged threatening recording surfaced, will stay on. sudarshan and Sojan, both from the Crime Branch, will be part of the squad.

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